*How to successfully jeopardise your chances of continued employment with your current employer in six easy steps*
Step One: Turn up late and noticeably hungover, dump your bag and coat at your desk and disappear immediately into the bathroom for a fifteen minute paid poo.
Step Two: After returning from the bathroom, fix a little breakfast and talk about the previous evening loudly using vulgarities that can be heard by anybody calling the office by telephone.
Step Three: As the stares from your colleagues intensify and their frustration begins to boil over, pipe down, finish your breakfast and then go and wash up the bowl and make a cup of tea, offering nobody else a drink, assuming that they all made one for themselves when they arrived at work half an hour before you.
Step Four: Log in to rateyourmusic.com to see which album you have been assigned to review on the "Go Review That Album" thread. Discover that it is The Fall's obnoxious classic This Nation's Saving Grace and realise that you are not very well versed in it as you have only owned it for a few weeks.
Step Five: Realise that you have This Nation's Saving Grace loaded onto i-Tunes on your company owned computer and decide to give it a spin. You will notice that it is having a visible effect on your colleagues; "Barmy's" incessant, catchy-in-that-annoying-way riff will draw sighs from the accounts department, and you can increase their annoyance by drumming the two beats on the table each time the riff comes back in. "What You Need" has a similarly repetitive riff that sounds like a drunk walking unsteadily home and will get on your colleague's nerves, especially if you jig around in your seat. Turn the volume up as loud as the computer speakers will tolerate and enjoy the rest of the ride, swirling noise, sudden hooks that verge on pop, then vertical descents into shouty punk, taking in a bit of doo-wop along the plummet. When you reach the end of this glorious cacophony, allow the dust to settle in the office, take in the relief on people's faces, then double click on the eerie "Mansion" and play through it all again.
Step Six: Spend the remainder of your paid working day flicking between a projected cash position for company funds and a six paragraph review of This Nation's Saving Grace, the latter of which will no doubt be the more fulfilling of the two.
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